The report also described victims:

  • Children 3 years of age and younger continue to suffer the most confirmed child abuse and neglect-related fatalities. It’s a trend that has continued for the last decade; making up almost 80% of all confirmed child abuse and neglect deaths.
  • During 2022, children 3 years old and younger made up 61% of abuse and neglect deaths, with male kids making up more than half of all confirmed abuse and neglect-related fatalities.
  • In 2022, Hispanic children accounted for the largest percentage of children who died from abuse or neglect. The per capita rate for African-American children who die from maltreatment continues to be higher than any other ethnicity in Texas. That is also true across the United States.

The report also identifies who is abusing and killing children, with a father or boyfriend as the most common perpetrator. Physical abuse resulting in death most often involved blunt force trauma, or deliberate infliction of harm.

Parents continue to be the most common perpetrators though.

Domestic violence is often a precursor to child maltreatment and often an indicator to larger issues in the home, according to the report.

As with other risk factors, the report sites concern that people are underreporting active domestic violence either to the department, law enforcement or to community providers.

The Office of Child Safety also determined that in 2022, there were 19 confirmed child fatalities due to abuse or neglect that happened during an active stage of service with DFPS.

Prevention and Early Intervention

The following resources target specific issues that lead to child abuse and neglect, including fatalities.

  • Get Parenting Tips on how to connect with community-based resources.
  • Don’t be in the Dark on selecting regulated child care.
  • Videos: Animated and real-life videos for parents of all ages.
  • Local Support: Resources for concrete support in your area.
  • Free Downloads: Colorful resources, including an annual calendar with parenting tips for each month of the year.